Overcoming tough times – maintain soil health
Many farmers are experiencing reduced profit margins due to drought, low product prices, and high input cost. In order to survive, they are forced to cut costs to the bone.…
Many farmers are experiencing reduced profit margins due to drought, low product prices, and high input cost. In order to survive, they are forced to cut costs to the bone.…
Few recognise that chasing an increase in yield is not always the complete, or even desired answer. Achieving an increase in yield generally requires a comparable or even larger percentage…
Researchers have discovered the mechanisms explaining how plants harness microbes in soil to get nutrients. In a process named the "rhizophagy cycle" (rhizophagy means root-eating), bacteria rotate between a free-living…
Baie boere ervaar ‘n kleiner wordende winsmarge weens droogte, lae produksiepryse en hoë insetkostes. Dit dwing hulle om kostes tot op die been te sny. Die eerste slagoffer is gewoonlik…
Die najaag van ‘n verhoging in oesgrootte is nie die volledige of selfs gewenste antwoord nie. Om ‘n groter oes te realiseer, verg ‘n vergelykende of selfs groter persentasie verhoging…
Navorsers het die meganisme ontdek wat plante gebruik om grondmikrobes in te span om voedingstowwe te verkry. In ‘n proses genoem die “Rhizophagiesiklus” beweeg bakterieë tussen ‘n vry bewegende fase…